The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Monday, December 12, 2005

100 Things I Learned this Year

100 Things I learned this year:

  1. How to play Warrio
  2. The MIC needs some TLC
  3. How to play Monkey Ball
  4. The 4-2, 6-up really sucks
  5. How to create blogs
  6. Cats have nightmares
  7. What a Googlewack is
  8. We shouldn't read books by covers
  9. There is undoubtedly a million people worse off than you
  10. There ARE leeches in Sandy Pond
  11. next to to Triton
  12. Grown women...often no different than teenagers
  13. "Supervisor" must clearly be mis-definied in every dictionary I checked
  14. How do PCA factor analysis
  15. Computer virus programs are a good great idea
  16. The Ultimate Sweetness Strategy
  17. Blue poinsettias are not so bad when put into context
  18. Diversity should be embraced
  19. There are alot of stupid ignorant people in the world
  20. There are alot of beautiful compassionate people in the world
  21. People do not respect nor understand the greatness of the natural world
  22. With a little editing I could be a rap star
  23. Canadian Tire deserves my business
  24. The seaside centipede lichen gets its nourishment from the feces of gulls and sealions
  25. How a Myrrh Boats works
  26. That I share my Birthday with the Buddha
  27. The difference between a Punt and a Dory
  28. You shouldn't hold people's mistake over their heads
  29. People make mistakes
  30. Some people do change while some suffer from eternal Peter Pan syndrome
  31. I have lost touch with too many old friends
  32. I could take over for Martha Stewart
  33. Dancing bananas, suprisingly, can really brighten your mood
  34. Life is not as fun without kids around you
  35. In reference to number 34, they do not have to be your own
  36. It is difficult recalling the things that you have learned in a year
  37. Contract work is stressful and shitty
  38. I know some amazing people
  39. That grandma and cell phones have a lot in common
  40. If i were a Dr. Seuss character I would be the lorax
  41. If I were a forgotten 80's cartoon I would be Custard (Strawberry Shortcake's Cat)
  42. If I were an 80's cartoon I would be G.I. Joe
  43. If I were a Marvel superhero I would be Iron Fist
  44. Laurie is the queen of computer-assisted procrastination
  45. Snow depth measurement is serious business
  46. My friends do stupid things at times
  47. I may be in love with Ty Pennington
  48. Tom Cruise has lost him mind and, subsequently, you can buy a sonogram machine
  49. I don't read enough books for fun
  50. Halfway is a crappy place to be and we often get hung up there


I am less the queen of computer base time wasting and more of an emperer. I mean I can't be queen of two things and I'm already the queen of useless entertainment facts.