The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Strange People...

Every once in a while I look at the keyword searches that brought people to my blog. It's bizzare what people "google" and that certains phrases lead them here, completely random. 70 percent were looking for things that happened in 1976, are there no other pages about things that happened in 1976? But some are completely random.

This months winners...
  • indian singer little buddha sidharta
  • "paraplegic mouse"
  • "eggs for energetic people" music
  • mouse "flushed him"
  • the difference between cornucopians and neomalthusians
  • rot wailer + dogs

I like the contrast between the last two. The philosophizing internet seeker and the completely spelling-challenged "no wonder they ended up in the wrong place" internet dummy. Someone should tell them how to spell rottweiler.


You have to wonder what some people are googleing. Who looks up parapalegic mouse? My constant number one is anything to do with lumps or bumps or jawlines. Although my post on the Nissan commercial brought me many a visit.