The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

100 Things I Learned this Year: Part 2

  1. It takes 7 years for a pistachio tree to grow nuts
  2. Christmas trees should be put up exactly 2 weeks prior to christmas eve...Dec 10 this year according to Canadian Living
  3. There is an official day to clean out your fridge
  4. Campfire can run smoothly without Dave
  5. Ebay is addictive
  6. How to detect fradulent and phishing e-mails
  7. Salt beef buckets make stellar wine coolers
  8. As much as we hate to admit it Genge is a genius
  9. Federal Goverment hiring practices drive people crazy
  10. I should not be allowed to go to chapters unaccompanied
  11. I have a turned-up nose and apparently have never seen my side profile before
  12. I really do have the cutest cat in the whole world even though she ran into a wall
  13. Soccer really does explain the world
  14. My dad can read
  15. I am second to none at rearranging furniture
  16. Polar bears are doomed and there is nothing we can do to stop them from going extinct in our lifetime
  17. The contents inside glow sticks
  18. How to use flash technology
  19. Speakers...very heavy
  20. How to set up a sound stage system
  21. I can deal with Mayo in small dosages...every so often
  22. I do like mustard in the form of Honey Dijon Kettle Chips
  23. Fire alarms may be triggered by humidity, over and over and over again
  24. If there was a real fire I would clearly burn to death in my bed along with my former roomates
  25. You can have purple hair and look sane
  26. The more someone goes to the MIC the less likely they believe that TNNP provides learning opportunities
  27. How to detect one's level of drunkness courtesy of Genge's drunk test
  28. How to break into a numerical coded vault or make phone calls without pressing buttons
  29. How to use Corel Draw and prepare documents for prepress
  30. Riding a cowboy doesn't actually save a horse
  31. Consumers are spoiled rotten and show no respect for people trying to make a the customer always right? Not when they are trying to return 30 year old clothes belong to a deceased spouse
  32. Consumers want a deal on everything
  33. Retailers, particularly small business, can't afford to cut deals as profit margins are not what they used to be
  34. The lucky pickle isn't really that hard to find
  35. Pickles are yucky
  36. I miss the gingerbread man game
  37. There is no wrong way to scrapbook
  38. I know absolutely nothing about investment and stocks
  39. Children recognise landmarks and create mental maps before they are 2 years old.
  40. A small amount of html code
  41. Gyms are good for you
  42. I need to spend more time at the gym
  43. That the largest and oldest living organism in the world is a stand of Trembling Apsen in Wood Buffalo National Park - 8000 years old and something like 10
  44. In several native languages, Trembling Aspen translates into Women's Tongue
  45. The oldest chewing gum in the world was found on the floor of an archealogical dig in the middle east...9000 year old birch sap
  46. Kids love me
  47. As a baby, Achilles was bathed in a bath of Yarrow believed to have great healing powers, unfortunately his mother had a hold of him by the ankle...his one weakness.
  48. Yarrow is the oldest known medicinal plants used by the neanderthals over 18,000 years ago and Yarrow oil kills 98% of mosquito larvae
  49. Working at TNNP has reinforced my unmatched trivial pursuit prowess
  50. The meaning of life is happiness, love, and compassion - spread a little of it every chance you get!

"The oldest chewing gum in the world was found on the floor of an archealogical dig in the middle east...9000 year old birch sap"

I wonder how long they chewed it for?