The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Update on the 2006 DO SEE LEARN Goals

I am reposting my goals with updates. Been a while since I looked at them. Stumbled upon them accidently while looking for something else, figured its a good time to review since time is ticking by in 2006.

Update - First week of January Update End of January Update November

  1. Las Vegas baby Deferred to another year
  2. Pounds gained since high school - 50 (net max); Pounds lost in 2004 - 35; Pounds found in 2005 - 30; So I figure pounds to be lost in 2006 - 35 - I may have eaten 1/2 a box of chocolates last night. Platformed Lost 20
  3. Complete thesis and obtain MSc with a 4.0 good news the 4.0 is guaranteed, the thesis is only a pass/fail! Still working on the thesis part
  4. Finish Danielle's Scrapbook - CHECK
  5. Hand deliver Ethan's 5th Birthday Book - Progressing nicely - CHECK
  6. Get a permanent full-time job! - Trying, looking mildly positive Scrap last comment
  7. Be a little more sociable - Sorry I forgot to call you back Carol! - Work harder, still needs work CIts all relative CHECK
  8. Keep in touch with old friends - Touch and go.
  9. Play guitar more - fail - CHECK
  10. Paint more - fail - still failing unless you mean walls, well unless I meant walls, which i didn't
  11. Do yoga...almost everyday - fail - Do what? Do deep breathing exercises while in bed count?
  12. Meditate everyday...may sometimes involve lying in bed - wonderfully - hmmm...
  13. Eat less crap - eating more other stuff - Mostly good with a couple bad days and maybe a bad week here or there
  14. Buy a gym membership CHECK
  15. Ok, Ok, use the gym membership - CHECK
  16. Act as intelligent as my IQ indicates I should be
  17. Stop bragging that I am a freakin' genius...just kidding - I am gifted, oops. I am a brilliant goddess, oops.
  18. Listen to more music - CHECK CHECK
  19. Dance more, even while sober - only chair dancing uh...liquid
  20. Do more volunteer work - CHECK - 14 and 15 year old girls are CRAAAAAZY.
  21. Update my blog more regularly - CHECK, so far, CHECK Going through a not so much phase
  22. Throw a big turning 30 gracefully party -BIG CHECK
  23. Turn 30 gracefully - Little Check
  24. Take better care of my teeth - reminder call dentist today so-s0
  25. Take better care of my skin - crap winters coming. damn
  26. Smile more - CHECK
  27. Visit 2 more states - Deferred
  28. Visit 1 more country - really deferred
  29. Try to check off another continent - really really deferred
  30. Stand up for myself - improving - oh yes....CHECK
  31. Do abs 5 out of 6 days every week - not improving what the hell was i thinking?
  32. Figure out what is stuck in my drain - apparently not the drain at all! CHECK
  33. Get blue some point - ok, i went to get the blue and they were out of blue. How about fire engine red?
  34. Meet Josie - plan in works CHECK what a sweetie!
  35. Learn how to mix some new drinks - clearly not enough drinking.
  36. Get my bike fixed and use it - HA
  37. Get a new couch - deferred, man i really need a nice couch.
  38. Read more books for fun - CHECK - Shopoholic finished. Rather stupid character but priceless writing. Loves Sophia Kinsella! CHECK - The other side of the story. Loves Marian Keyes! CHECK The Sweet Edge by Allison Pick 3 books is decent for a year isn't it?
  39. Finish the painting - next extracuricular project on the to do list - ooh gotta get on this one.
  40. Do a graphics course - deferred to January
  41. Get certified - HA! I've Already forgotten what I am supposed to get certified in! - I got certified but not in what i was supposed to.
  42. First-aid Re-certification - nope.
  43. Finish Dad's Family History book - nope
  44. Finish Mom's Family History book - and nope
  45. Help Laurie take more risks - CHECK. She did carry two, yes two bowls of salsa and a glass of pepsi while wearing white. CHECK she did get a cat even though shes allergic, oh wait i had nothing to do with that.
  46. Help Carol avoid musicians - How ya doing Carol?
  47. Sing at open mic - working on it...
  48. Avoid doormat syndrome - So far so good. Continued good behaviour Excellent behaviour despite minor moments of weakness.
  50. Love - (Do cats and family count?) - CHECK. See previous comment See previous comment

Seems like the goals progressed nicely. Really there was a lot of stuff there. And I think I took more risks this year so that can be a check. I've gone dt with people I don't really know, gone to parties alone and talked with that guy at O'Reilleys. And I got purple highlights. You've been a good influence.