The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Save the PEI potatoes!

From the pen of the bedridden, I must put forth a post-Larry King Live commentary to dispell the mythical McCartneyisms put forth to a global audience last evening. It wasn't as horrendous as I expected it to be, on either side. This is clearly HER cause. Poor Danny had a hard time being heard. Imagine poor Paul, you may as well stick him in a skirt, barefoot in the kitchen. Pregnant you say? Now that would just be silly.

Heather claims that any REASONABLE person could not justify the seal hunt and should denounce the barbaric, no no I mean archaic practices. Well, I suppose that must make me, my family, my colleagues (all in protected areas and wildlife conservation) a bunch of unreasonable barbaric personalities that sit around the dinner table ripping raw flesh off of animal bones with our teeth.

I don't know too many people who take pleasure in watching another creature ooze blood onto any surface, not just the crisp whiteness of ice. What about the Red Jungle Fowl? It too is unrivalled in beauty. If we put them on an ice flow chopped off their heads and watched them continue to run around, would that be ok? This of course is a chicken. Chicken's didn't always live on farms you know. I first saw one of these in biology class, preserved in taxidermy. But the feathers were so striking up close that I was struck with disbelief. Did I stop eating chicken? No. Do I enjoy watching them slaughtered? Hell no.

Now Danny may have gotten a little rattled towards the end, understandibly, and I would have preferred to see him address the issues put forth to him by Larry King but his tangent wasn't really that unrelated as the "lady" claimed, see Red Jungle Fowl comment. At least Danny knew what planet he was on.

Geography lesson: I know I thing or two about geography, like I am currently in Newfoundland, Newfoundland and PEI are two separate islands and yes separate provinces. However, it might be a more apt cause to save those PEI potatoes. Isn't there some Irish blight or something that warrant a resuce mission?

Now that we have clarified where we are in the world, let's clarify a few more points from last night's telecast:
  • There is NO government subsidy of the seal hunt, this was axed in 2001.
  • Danny was right, most seals are taken with rifles it wasn't RUBBISH.
  • At 5.9 million the population can not sustain itself, it will crash. Therefore, any ecotourism operation would take visitors to watch starving animals.
  • We do not justify the seal hunt soley on the basis of cod stocks, economic impact, or otherwise. We do not give in to boycott tactics, blackmail by another name...still blackmail.
  • The seal hunt is not soley for the benefit of the fashion industry. People do consume seal meat, and not just Northern Peoples. I am a nice well educated conservationist and I eat flipper.
  • This is not inhumane. And I am fairly certain, that the Province of Newfoundland does not bribe the International Council of Veternarians, United Nations, World Widelife Fund, or the IUCN to support the seal hunt, as ridiculously suggested by Lady Mills.
  • Finally, since 1987, they do not hunt white coats, or mothers that are still attending young or young that have not been weaned. They can only take self-reliant, independent creatures.

Hmmm...have I covered it? I'm tired again.


Bravo...another great post. I was yelling at my screen quite a bit last night (I drove mom upstairs to watch). And my fav line of the night had to be when Danny told them they were in PEI. classic.