The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

You say weirdo, I say eccentric

Little known weird facts about me...

1. I am a hazard on skates and skis but I do it anyway.
2. I may be the queen of useless information.
3. I thought being a cowgirl was a good career option until grade 6.
4. I am a terrible liar so I just don’t.
5. Sarcasm is my favourite mode of humour followed by dry wit, its genetic.
6. Yeah, I am a first generation townie, don’t hold it against me.
7. I live for the outdoors and in my next life I think I may want to be a boat.
8. I am pretty darn cute as a singing moose.
9. I have a strange looking cat even though I have always preferred dogs…sorry Pablo.
10. The worst night sleep I ever had was in TNNP, summer 2004 – 3 bats flew into my room at 4:30am.
11. I severed my thumb, accidentally mistaking it for a turnip in grade 6. I still have no feeling in it during the cold months.
12. I have a freaky obsession with Lynx.
13a. My nephew really thinks that I am batgirl - no really.
13b. I really like Halloween and have a batgirl costume complete with paper mache boots and spikey forearm armour.
13c. 13 is my lucky number.
14. I am in love with my camera, it’s beautiful.
15. I try to get to Colorado once a year to visit my brother and fam.
16. As a child I could not pronounce “truck”, if you can imagine what I said instead you will see I was also an embarrassment at parades.
17. It would be greatly understated to say I am not much of a morning person but I am working on it.
18. I am actually really shy but I know you don't believe me.
19. The coolest place I have ever travelled is the Transylvanian region of Romania.
20. My greatest physical accomplishment was climbing a 2236m mountain in the Carpathians (and living).
21. My greatest intellectual achievement was being awarded University Scholar from Acadia University.
22. I believe that the line between vanity and pride is a thin one.
23. I%

I don't get it. What did you call a truck? kidding.