The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The things I love - Episode 2.

Number 4. Sleep. I do have the most comfortable bed in the galaxy, this is often extremely counterproductive as my morning prowness is somewhat less than desired. I do have the most vivid bizarre dreams on record ranging from dancing little devils in the image of the red grateful dead bear to soaring to running to candy shops to mysterious lagoons at the the top of my grandparents stairs to babies get the point. Sleep, I love you.

Number 5. Sexy Charismatic Mega-Fauna. In particular, the Canadian Lynx but Wolves and Bears (Oh my!) score high as well. I mean all good things are fuzzy and have 4 legs right? Down with legless slimy herps! I actually have frequent dreams about Lynx as well, some fuzzy, some not so fuzzy. Infatuation, why yes, it is. SCM, I love you.

Number 6. Coffee. I even have a silly coffee song. Lattes rank high on my list of preferred caffeinated beverages, cappuccinos rank a close second. I'm not that picky, if pushed to desperation I would m-wave the oldest, coldest coffee. In Canada, we have Tim's on our corners; we only have one Starbucks in the entire city and while many are resistant to abandon the hometown hockey hero's franchise, Starbucks has a far superior product. If you want premium java, Coffee & Co. is the only way to go. I tend to brew my own blend of free-trade beans or "imports" from Vail Mountain Roasters. Coffee, I love you.

You have a coffee song! I did not know that. Or maybe I did and am blocking it out. And I love sleep too!