The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Truth about Cats and Dogs makes 500!

You wouldn't know it as the blog patrol site has been undergoing maintenance for like a week now. What's that all about? I can't even spy on your IP addresses and find out where in the world my visitors are from! I can't even confirm who number 500 was but I suspect it was the critic at 11:45 am on Monday, fitting as I did introduce her to blogging. And of course, blog patrol whom seemed to take a holiday last week wasn't counting but we will go with it anyway. It is sad, the apparent false comfort of anonymity. Thanks for visiting first 500 (although we know that 90 percent of those hits are really made of by me, the critic, the cool cat, the sassy NC girl, and the infamous Brit and various family members). You still count in my books!

I count I count! And Blogpatrol is back...but goddamn them and their non-isp ways. Congrats on reaching 500!