The Truth About Cats and Dogs in Black and White

Truth is just one person's reality. Here is mine in black and white (maybe some shades of gray). This blog has little to do with Cats or Dogs - just humourous sarcastic antics about my life or occasionally, someone else's. You know, intercepting volleyballs with my face, egg dropping, etc. The truth has seen some changes and in fluidity with change expect to see more artistic expressions posting up - so give your two cents worth!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Token Valentine's Day Post - Episode 1

Before jumping, more like a sloth-like glide really, into the statistics that is on my schedule for today, I have decided to get episode one of the the inevitable VD rumblings out of the way. We all know that I am romantically hopeless and think VD is an supra-commericialised ploy to lure greedy consumerists into candy shops, flower shops, card shops, etc. But instead of writing a bitter list of the reasons I loathe this stupid day I am going to provide a list of my 14 loves to honour the occasion. Here are the first 3:

Number 1: My family. Isn't this what life is about? Ok, well biologically speaking, the purpose of life is procreation. Humanity has done well in that regard. Metaphysically speaking, life is about happiness & spiritual purpose. I'll let others do the procreating for now, (valentineless, not that the biological cogs have set themselves in motion). These cuties aren't mine but they could pass for my offspring. Thanks Mom & Dad for free rent while I finish my thesis. Thanks Mark & Kim for moving to the Ski State, enabling me to learn to ski & free lodging. Family, I love you.

Number 2: My Cat. I've told you about her, the picture says it all. She once thought it would be good idea to smell a burning candle & caught her whiskers on fire. It slowly burned toward her face like a cartoon dynamite wick. She didn't explode but she was a little ashamed. Pablo, I love You.

Number 3: Cheerios. How can you go wrong? It's a complete breakfast. And now that I have decided to let carbs back into my life, it's a safety net. My former roomates and I had quite a thing for them. All of them. At one time, there were 6 varieties on the counter: apple cinnamon, frosted, multi-grain, berry burst, and good ole plain. Apple Cinnamon takes the cake. Cheerios, I love you.

There are in fact two different types of berry cheerios that made their way to the counter. One with just strawberries and one with strawberries and other berries. We stayed away from the banana one.